Author Archives: Jennifer Collins

Online Resources

We are in uncharted territory now as we seek to be the church without meeting together for a time. To help aid our spiritual growth as a congregation, we want to share these resources with you. In the link below, you will find a variety of links to the videos for several studies, including Adam Hamilton’s “Unafraid” study that a few groups have used, the “Adult Bible Studies” that is currently used by the Crusaders class, and the “Deep Blue Kids” videos that are used in Power and Light. There are also videos for four Lenten studies! This is a great resource that is being made available and I encourage you to take a look and watch any studies that pique your interest. We will continue to find ways to help us virtually connect with one another as we navigate new ways of being the church while helping to keep vulnerable people safe during this pandemic. Please let us know what needs arise that you are aware of.


Camp Sunday

This coming Sunday (August 5, 2018), we’ll be celebrating Camp Sunday. We’ll have messages from our campers and we’re encouraging everyone to dress in camp gear (John and I will be wearing Camp Horizon t-shirts). If you prefer, you can observe our traditional “Fair Sunday” and come in western wear. (Either way, we know that this will be just another Sunday for some of you—and we’re fine with that.)

The Breakfast Club

John and I have started a new kind of study. The Breakfast Club is an invitation to read a book and come together to discuss that book over breakfast one Saturday morning a month. All are welcome. If you have read the book all the way through, if you have just barely started the book, or even if you have not even picked up the book, but would like to sit in on the discussion, you are welcome. Our next book is: When ‘Spiritual But Not Religious’ Is Not Enough: Seeing God in Surprising Places, Even the Church by Lillian Daniel. Copies of the book are available in the narthex for a suggested donation of $10. Our next meeting will be on Saturday, July 29, at 8:30 a.m. at the Hitching Post. There is a sign-up sheet by the books in the church entry area. The sign up allows us to give the Hitching Post a rough estimate of how many people to expect, and it will allow us to give you a reminder before the meeting time. Hope to see you there!

Next Potluck: October 30

We have begun the practice of having a potluck after the 10:30 service on the 5th Sunday of every month. However, we have not been very good about getting the word out. October 30, 2016, will be the next 5th Sunday, and we will plan to have a potluck after the 10:30 service that day. Please mark your calendar now and plan to join together for food and fellowship. Hope to see you there!

Meet Our New Bishop!

Our newly assigned Bishop Ruben Saenz Jr. will be in the Salina District on October 26th meeting our clergy in the afternoon and clergy and laity in the evening from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church in Salina. First UMC is located downtown Salina at the corner of 8th and Iron Streets (122 North 8th Street). You are invited to come and meet our new Bishop!

Vintage Years Sunday

On Sunday, November 1, 2015, we will hold our annual Vintage Years Celebration and honor the “gift of years.” During the worship services, there will be a time of recognition for those members of our congregation who have reached 80 years of age or more, with special recognition for nonagenarians (those in their 90’s).

Disciple I: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study

This fall I am contemplating leading a Disciple I. Disciple is an in-depth, 34-week study that covers the entire Bible. I would like to try a new format for Disciple that covers the same material, but does so in a 1 hour weekly meeting instead of the usual 2 1/2 hour weekly meeting. The Disciple class would meet on Sunday evenings from 5-6 pm. Please let me know if you would be interested in being a part of this class by calling my cell phone, texting me, emailing me at, or contacting the church office.

Assistive Devices Available

First UMC has several assistive devices available to be loaned out (canes, walkers, wheelchairs, crutches, medical boots, shower seats, commodes). If you or a loved one has need of such an item, please contact Pastor Jenny or the church office to see what we have available. There is no time limit on the use of these devices; they are simply available for those who can get some use out of them.

K-State Wesley Meal

On Sunday, April 26, 2015, Abilene First UMC is signed up to serve the meal for K-State Wesley, the United Methodist Campus Ministry at K-State. K-State Wesley is unique among campus ministries in the area as it is a residential site, housing around 40 students, located in a former fraternity house at 1001 Sunset Ave in Manhattan. Each Sunday evening they have a community cross in handsmeal for about 50-60 students provided by an area church. We will be preparing the meal (sloppy joes) on Friday, April 24, at 9:00 am, here in the kitchen at the church. On Sunday, we will meet at 5:00 pm here at the church to go to Manhattan. Once there, we will heat up the food, get it ready, and then serve the students and eat with them at 7:00 pm. The meal is followed by worship.

If you would like to make a monetary donation to help cover the cost of the meal, you may indicate, “K-State Wesley Meal” on your donation and place it in the offering plate. If you are interested in helping to prepare or serve the meal, please let Pastor Jenny know. The purchase of the building for K-State Wesley was one of the outcomes of the Bridges to the Future capital campaign that we participated in a few years ago.