Jenny is Becoming a D.S.

Last night Jenny and I sent this letter out to every email address in the contacts directory and to everyone signed up for our “TinyLetter” email updates.

January 28, 2020

Dear Members and Friends of Abilene First UMC,

We are writing to tell you about a partial pastoral change. First off we want to let you know that we will both still be living here in Abilene, and that John will remain as your pastor here at Abilene First. The part that is changing is that Jenny has received a call to be the District Superintendent for the Flint Hills and Topeka Districts. (See map below for the geographical area of the districts.) She will commute from the parsonage here to wherever she needs to be any given day. With Liz graduating this year, Jenny requested to move from half time to full-time ministry, but we also longed to remain here in Abilene. This appointment allows both of those things to happen. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Grace and Peace,
Jenny and John Collins